Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dark Mousy

Dark Mousy
Age:300 (400 in the Manga)
Hair color:Violet
Hair style: Long Layered
Eye color:Violet (like his hair)
Skin Color:Light Tan
Alter-ego:Niwa Daisuke
Crush:Risa Harada (in the manga Riku Harada)
True Love:Rika Harada (in the manga Riku Harada also)
Real name:Koku-Yoku (means Black wings)
Other info:In the Anime he dumps Risa cause of her grandmother Rika Harada which is his true love. In the manga Riku is his true love. He has some sort of evil twin we could also say his twins name is Krad (incase you havent noticed Krad is just a backwards version of Dark). He is a Kaitou (literaly meaning theif). He came from the "black wings" the greatest living work of art of the Hikari's.

1 comment:

Ela said...

I love dark as always X3